Helen Marie Feldhusen, 83, a resident of Sedona paased away on March 1st. Born in Drake, Ohio, Helen Attended Phoenix Union High School and Scottsdale Community College. She will be rememebered for her incredible acts of charity and kindness, which made her unable to pass any person in need without assisting in one way or another. She was preceded in death by her son Frank. Survived by her husband Frank, four daughters Francine Trebell of Vancouver British Columbia, Pamela Feldhusen of Gilber, Deborah Feldhusen of New Zealand, Therese and her husband Jerry Tobish of Camp Verde; nieces Sheila Howard and crandchildren, Seriina, Kelly and Stacey. A Funeral Mass will be said Friday, March 10 in the Immaculate Conception Church, Cottonwood at 11 AM. Burial will follow in All Souls Cemetery. An online guestbook is available at www.westcottfuneralhome.com.